AS 91478: Respond critically to significant connections across texts, supported by evidence. 4 Credits
Category: 3.7 Significant Connections

Radiohead: Idioteque, 2+2=5, Electioneering, Fake Plastic Trees and Planet Telex
Fake Plastic Trees: A green plastic watering can For a fake Chinese rubber plant In the fake plastic earth That she bought from a rubber man In a town full of rubber plans To get …

3.7 Significant Connections – Dystopian Genre Study
This task is an extension of our Dystopian genre study. This is an opportunity to explore how the unifying elements of the genre are employed across different texts by different authors to form warnings about the future.

Practise Analysis – Sample Response 2
“In the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king” In a visual text the most significant ideas are often conveyed through the images and symbols presented to the viewer. The film Minority Report, …

Practice Analysis – Sample Response
Good literature enlightens; great literature inspires action Some may believe that literature’s role is largely archival, that it simply records moments of human endeavour and imagination, thereby making the great literary canon simply a vault, …

Further Reading
Further reading to enhance your appreciation of the dystopian Genre. Use the links to download a copy onto your phone and computer so you can read these (or at least one of them) at your leisure.